Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Photo Challenge Pictures 1

So my sister owns a fancy camera. And then Mark bought me a new camera for Christmas. We both were lamenting in January that we don't take enough pictures. So we decided to figure out how to use our cameras (me by reading the manual, her by actually applying what she knows) and actually take pictures.

She suggested we do a photo-a-day challenge. I said yes. We picked one for February and then decided not to follow the rules. As in, we're doing a photo a day, but we didn't start on February 1st. We started a few days early (because it was a convenient day to start). And then we had to rearrange some of the days due to the fact that my sister lives in a small town and doesn't have access to some of the items (namely a Stranger...). We're rebels like that. So iif you're doing the challenge, sorry I'm ahead of you and skipped a day this week.

Rather than bore you with a post every day showing off all the pictures I took, I figured I'd just update you a few times throughout the month.

Here is the first batch of pictures:

Day 1 - Your View (out my bedroom window)
Day 2 -Words (do you know what book this is??)
Day 3 - Hands (Some day I'll miss the thumb sucking. Maybe)
Day 4 - 10am (we were on our way to a play date. Kate was not impressed, which led to...)
Day 4 - 10am retake. (Once in the car, Kate got happy.)
Day 5 - Dinner (totally raw meatballs and unappetizing looking. But I was teaching that day and wasn't home for supper. Yeah for slow cookers!)
Day 6 - Button (probably technically a lever, but it was a button I pushed a lot that day as I finished a sewing project)
Day 7 - Sun (on what felt like the warmest "winter" day. I'm a fan of warm winters!)

1 comment:

The fact that you take the time to leave me comments makes my day! Thanks for taking the time. I read every single one.