Tuesday, August 30, 2011

And H for my Mantle

Remember way back after Christmas when I wanted help with my mantle? Ya, so I liked the ideas that I got, but I still haven't really done anything with the mantle. Mostly because I can't find anything that I like specifically FOR my mantle. It drives me crazy. Maybe I'm too picky. Maybe it's time to just do it myself.

While going through pins on Pinterest (seriously if you haven't discovered the awesome that is Pinterest you need to go there and if you need an invite, let me know) I saw something that caught my eye. Letters covered in rolled book pages. I have a book that I took apart for another project (that got stalled, but some day I hope I can show you).

(Oh, and of course I just saw the picture, I didn't follow the link, so now I have no idea whose idea it originally was. So if it was yours, by all means, let me know and I'll give you credit.)

I went and picked up an H from Michaels (for our last name) and set to work one afternoon this week covering it. It took some time, but in the end I'm quite pleased with it. I haven't decided if I should cover the sides with strips of book paper or leave them white. Thoughts?

So, this now sits on my mantle. Which is still pretty bare, but slowly getting there. Anyone got any other good DIY projects of things to put up there?


  1. very cool. haven't spent enough time on pinterst need to figure that site out.

  2. I am a sucker for pinterest!!

    I love the H! I collect M's so I really like initials. I would say cover the sides.


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